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Investment Risk Calculator
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Investment Risk Assessment Calculator
Calculate your risk tolerance today!
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Please fill in all the fields:
Select your age band:
(* required)
Please select response
Under 30 years
Between 30 and 45 years
Between 46 and 60 years
Over 60 years
My current personal situation is best described as:
(* required)
Please select response
Single and intending to stay that way
Single but I would like to be partnered (and possibly have a family)
Partnered with no dependents (and expecting it to stay that way)
Partnered with dependents (and this won’t change for a little while)
What investment objective is the highest priority for you?:
(* required)
Please select response
Minimizing loss of original investment
Providing a return above inflation
Medium term wealth accumulation
Long term wealth accumulation
Are you planning to take distributions within the next 7 years?
(* required)
Please select response
Yes, in the next 3-5 years
Yes, in the next 5-7 years
Yes, immediately or less than 3 years
If the value of your portfolio dropped suddenly by 10 percent, would you:
(* required)
Please select response
Add to your investments to take advantage of low prices?
Do nothing and wait for the value to come back?
Transfer some of your money to a more conservative investment?
Sell all your investment and move to cash?
Have you established an emergency fund?:
(* required)
Please select response
Yes, for the greater than 1 year of income
Yes, for 6 to 12 months of income
Yes, for 2 to 6 months of income
No, I have less than two months of income
The level of “financial skill” I believe I have is:
(* required)
Please select response
Very knowledgeable
Somewhat knowledgeable
Not very knowledgeable
Virtually, no understanding of the economy, personal finance and investing
I am willing to assume more risk in my investment for higher returns:
(* required)
Please select response
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
My level of interest in property is:
(* required)
Please select response
Very low - below that of the average person
About equivalent to the average person
Keener than the average person
I’m practically an expert!
Show My Results
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